Automatic Ballistic broiler Drinker (Mk6)

The broiler drinker is a ballasted drinker specifically designed to accommodate the complete life cycle from day one. The drinker is fitted with independent ballast which must be filled with sand or cast in concrete to stabilize the drinker. It comes standard with hanging attachments, a 3 meters PVC flexible water pipe and a clamp saddle with a shut off valve.

Drinking capacity: 100 Birds per Fount

Water pressure:    0.15 to 0.2 bar

Application:            From day olds to end life cycle

Dimensions:           460mm height X 357 mm Diameter

Weight:                   1290g.

Automatic Econo Drinker (Mk4)

The Econo- Drinker is a non ballast drinker and is excellent value for money. It has fewer assemblies and comes with standard with hanging attachments, a 3 meters PVC flexible water pipe and a clamp saddle with a shut off valve.

Drinking capacity: 100 Birds per Drinker

Water Pressure:     0.15 to 0.2 bar

Application:           From day olds to end life cycle

Dimensions:          460mm height X 298 mm Diameter

Weight:                  882g.


Drinking capacity:  3 trays per 100 chicks

Application:           From 1 -7 day olds chicks.

Dimensions:          50mm height X 290 mm Width X 362 mm Length

Weight:                  254g.

12 Liters water Fount

The 12 liters water fount can be suspended, and is height adjustable with a bayonet interlocking base and id. It is gradually for medical use and has a domed top for anti-perching. It comes standard with an “S”-hook, 3 meters nylon cord and adjuster.

Drinking capacity: 100 Birds per Fount

Water capacity:    12 liters

Application:           From day olds to end life cycle

Dimensions:          400mm height X 360 mm Diameter

Weight:                  1004g.